lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2012

I´d like to visit...

If you ask me where I’d like to travel, it would be very difficult to answer. The truth is that I’d like to travel to many parts of the world, I think every place should have it beauty, but it’s something I do know, I like first of all know my own country and Latin America countries, because I think it’s very important know the place where we live, know the history, the traditions. That’s why if I have to choose a place to visit today, I’ll choose a place in my own country, I’d like to travel to Rapa Nui.
Rapa Nui is an island located in the Polynesia, in the Pacific Ocean, in fact is commonly called the “navel of the world”. Administratively is considered part of the V Region of Valparaíso, but as far as I know, the people of Rapa Nui do not feel Chileans. Rapa Nui is a place that tries to preserve its environment, the nature in which they live, and also the traditions and customs of their people.  
If I could travel to Rapa Nui I’d like to travel around the island, contemplate the nature, known sacred sites, share with their inhabitant, know their traditions, customs, Know about their rites. I would love to learn to dive, which usually makes the inhabitants of Rapa Nui. But I wouldn’t like to know only a touristic sight, I´d like to know the routine, meet the daily, know the way of live.
I don´t know if I’d like to live there, first I have to know Rapa Nui, but isn’t a possibility to discard. For now I´d like just go visit, hopefully as long as possible to get know well. 

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