martes, 4 de septiembre de 2012

My first term of 2012

In my first term of 2012 I did my third semester of sociology. During that semester, that's means between march and july, I studied seven subjects, Sociological Theory I, Statistic II, Social History of Chile, Quantitative Tecniques I, Economy I, Pre intermediate english and Contemporary Dance. I think that semester was important, because I had a lot of subjects relevant for the career, that are required to then studied other subject, like Sociological Theory II, Economy II, Quantitative Tecniques II... etc. Fortunately, I had very good results, I get good notes, so I didn't have to do exams in any subject. I think it wasn't a difficult semester, but it was a little exhausting.
During the first semester I did contemporary dance, It was a subject, but for me it was never an obligation, I enjoy it very much, It was like a liberation from the routine, and also a liberation for my mind, because I stopped to think all the time, like we used to do in our career, that is so intellectual. That´s why for me, did contemporary dance was more like a hobby than a compulsory subject.
The problem I had to face during the first term of 2012, was the difficulty of combine the time, between the studies, my family, friends, boyfriend and work. Some time I had to run all day, because I had classes, then I had to take care of my little sister, go to work and also study for a test. That was very exhausting, and I haven´t time to enjoy with my family, friends and with my boyfriend. With him, we try to see each other every time we can, but it's difficult to combine our time. That´s why I always try to enjoy every free time I have.

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