viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2012

My best holiday

A few years ago, with some friends from the school, we decided to travel to Tinquilco, there's a friend who have a cabin there and she had talked so much about that place, that after years of failed trying to go, we were finally able to travel. 
Tinquilco is a little town in the south of Chile, in the "cordillera". It's not easy to get over there. First we had to take a bus from Santiago to Pucón, and there we took another bus to get near to Tinquinco. The cabin was on the middle of a forestall park, so we had to walk a lot to get over there. The only thing we could see from there were trees, so there wasn't any place to buy food, and there wasn't electricity neither. So, it was a travel that we needed to prepare with time, save some money, buy all the food we need before, take flashlights, etc.
That travel was amazing, the place is beautiful, and we became much more closer friends. We enjoyed alot, we went to the Tinquilco lake, we visited the forestall park and we climbed the mountains (or at least we tried).
I really have very good memories about that travel.

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