lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2012

English classes

In general, I like to learn languages, at the moment, besides of Spanish, I know a little of English and French, and I would like to learn Portuguese.

I like this course of English, I think I could reinforce my English, but I also think I didn’t take all the advantage I could. That because this semester it has been very heavy, and one of my last priorities was English. I don’t have enough time, so sometimes I miss classes because I have to study or work. And when I finally get home at the end of the day, I was too tired to study English.

About the blogs, by one side I like it because is the moment when we put in practice what we have learn. I think blogs are very useful, because there we practice vocabulary, grammar and we have to think in English.  But, by the other side, I don’t like it, because I have to go to the university on Monday only to do the blog, so I lose a lot of time that I could use studying, travelling from my home to the university. And I think is possible do blogs at home.

I think the aspect I have to improved more, is my spoken English,  it’s difficult to me find the word to express myself when I’m talking in English.  I don’t know how I can improve this aspect, because besides the English class I don’t have opportunity to talk in English.

I these days I haven’t used English in anything but the English class. Before, used to watch a lot of movies, some in English, and I tried to watch it without subtitles. But lately I have no time to see movies. And I neither listen music in English, only in Spanish and sometime in French or Portuguese. 

lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012

Today I'm going to talk about two very important members of my family. They are my dogs. I have two, Rocko and Negro. Rocko is the older one, he is fifteen years old, that's means a lot of human years, like one hundred and five years old, I think. And Negro is a little puppy, he is ten month. 
When I was seven years old, I used to go to "pueblito de los dominicos", with a friend of my mom who used to work there, and used to take care of me when my mother was at work. There were some pet shops when I used to go, and there I knew Rocko. He was a very little dog of hardly a month and a haf. I spent a lot of days sitting next to his cage. As my mother’s friend saw me so attached to him, she finally gave it to me. He’s very important to me, I’ve past almost my entire life with him.

Last year Rocko became very ill, I thought he was going to die, I spent days and nights beside him, he was really bad. Thats days a neighbor offered me a little puppy, I said no, because I had Rocko, but my little sister wanted a dog to play with. We thought about it, and finally we decided to accept the puppy, that’s how Negro came to ours lifes. And miraculously Rocko was improved. So now I have two dogs.

viernes, 5 de octubre de 2012

My life with art

Since I remember I have been in love with artistic expressions. I think it’s something I’ve inherited. My parents are actors, so I’ve grown up surrounded by art.
When I was little I always participated in theater and music classes. And when I was eight years old I decided that I wanted to study music. Since then I started to study different instruments: guitar, bass, singing, and finally, traverse flute.
I've participated in a lot of school performances, playing, mostly, traverse flute, but I also continue acting. Ones, with some friends, we created a theater play, that time I did a monologue in front all the school, I was very nervous, but finally I enjoy it a lot.
I never thought in anything else but studying music, so when I finished school I did it. But something happened, I didn’t like it. It was very hard, I had to be exposed to comments from teachers who used to be very destructive, all became mechanic, and I lost that passion that I always felt.
I decided, after three years, to leave the career. I didn’t know that I wanted to do with my life. Suddenly I discovered sociology, and I decided to study that discipline. Now, here I am, studying sociology, I like it very much and I think that, little by little, I've been recovering contact with art, mostly through dance and also, a little, through music. 

viernes, 28 de septiembre de 2012

My best holiday

A few years ago, with some friends from the school, we decided to travel to Tinquilco, there's a friend who have a cabin there and she had talked so much about that place, that after years of failed trying to go, we were finally able to travel. 
Tinquilco is a little town in the south of Chile, in the "cordillera". It's not easy to get over there. First we had to take a bus from Santiago to Pucón, and there we took another bus to get near to Tinquinco. The cabin was on the middle of a forestall park, so we had to walk a lot to get over there. The only thing we could see from there were trees, so there wasn't any place to buy food, and there wasn't electricity neither. So, it was a travel that we needed to prepare with time, save some money, buy all the food we need before, take flashlights, etc.
That travel was amazing, the place is beautiful, and we became much more closer friends. We enjoyed alot, we went to the Tinquilco lake, we visited the forestall park and we climbed the mountains (or at least we tried).
I really have very good memories about that travel.

lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2012

I´d like to visit...

If you ask me where I’d like to travel, it would be very difficult to answer. The truth is that I’d like to travel to many parts of the world, I think every place should have it beauty, but it’s something I do know, I like first of all know my own country and Latin America countries, because I think it’s very important know the place where we live, know the history, the traditions. That’s why if I have to choose a place to visit today, I’ll choose a place in my own country, I’d like to travel to Rapa Nui.
Rapa Nui is an island located in the Polynesia, in the Pacific Ocean, in fact is commonly called the “navel of the world”. Administratively is considered part of the V Region of Valparaíso, but as far as I know, the people of Rapa Nui do not feel Chileans. Rapa Nui is a place that tries to preserve its environment, the nature in which they live, and also the traditions and customs of their people.  
If I could travel to Rapa Nui I’d like to travel around the island, contemplate the nature, known sacred sites, share with their inhabitant, know their traditions, customs, Know about their rites. I would love to learn to dive, which usually makes the inhabitants of Rapa Nui. But I wouldn’t like to know only a touristic sight, I´d like to know the routine, meet the daily, know the way of live.
I don´t know if I’d like to live there, first I have to know Rapa Nui, but isn’t a possibility to discard. For now I´d like just go visit, hopefully as long as possible to get know well. 

martes, 4 de septiembre de 2012

My first term of 2012

In my first term of 2012 I did my third semester of sociology. During that semester, that's means between march and july, I studied seven subjects, Sociological Theory I, Statistic II, Social History of Chile, Quantitative Tecniques I, Economy I, Pre intermediate english and Contemporary Dance. I think that semester was important, because I had a lot of subjects relevant for the career, that are required to then studied other subject, like Sociological Theory II, Economy II, Quantitative Tecniques II... etc. Fortunately, I had very good results, I get good notes, so I didn't have to do exams in any subject. I think it wasn't a difficult semester, but it was a little exhausting.
During the first semester I did contemporary dance, It was a subject, but for me it was never an obligation, I enjoy it very much, It was like a liberation from the routine, and also a liberation for my mind, because I stopped to think all the time, like we used to do in our career, that is so intellectual. That´s why for me, did contemporary dance was more like a hobby than a compulsory subject.
The problem I had to face during the first term of 2012, was the difficulty of combine the time, between the studies, my family, friends, boyfriend and work. Some time I had to run all day, because I had classes, then I had to take care of my little sister, go to work and also study for a test. That was very exhausting, and I haven´t time to enjoy with my family, friends and with my boyfriend. With him, we try to see each other every time we can, but it's difficult to combine our time. That´s why I always try to enjoy every free time I have.

lunes, 27 de agosto de 2012

A little presentation

My name is Camila, I'm twenty three yeas old. I'm second year student of sociology at University of Chile, but first, I studied music three years, specifically, I studied traverse flute.
I live with my mom and my little sister, my father lives in Norway and he has three children, so in total I have four siblings.
I go to dance classes, that's my hobbie, it's something very important for me, because when I dance I just let my body expresses it self, I don't need to think all the time, so I let my mind rest a little.
When I'm not at the university or studding, I work, or I spend my time with my friends and my boy friend.